Top Management’s Message

Dear Ones,

MPE Engineering is committed to integrity in everything it does. We believe that ethical conduct is an essential factor for our performance in a fairer market, with a view to the development of engineering and of our country.

Protecting the values that underpin our Company’s reputation for the integrity of our business relationships is a key factor in the sustainability of our business.

It is of great importance that we understand that legal and ethical conduct in the relationship with government agencies, customers, partners, colleagues and others is a fundamental condition for maintaining our reputation

As a function of the business involved, the contracts, partnership terms, covenants, or agreements signed between MPE Engineering and its partners contain specific clauses, in which the parties undertake to evaluate, comply with, and enforce the Code of Conduct and respective directives.

Furthermore, MPE Engineering ratifies its commitment to the principles established herein, by making available the Ethics Channel for reporting a suspicion or probable infraction, having the confidentiality of this communication preserved and the non-retaliation guaranteed.

Your participation is of fundamental importance in maintaining the integrity of the Company. This way, feel free to submit proposals or seek the best understanding in case of doubts.

Maria Abreu do Valle
President Director (CEO)