Castro announces resumption of works at the Museum of Image and Sound

Rio – The governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro, announced this Wednesday (8) the resumption of works on the Museum of Image and Sound (MIS) in Copacabana, South Zone of Rio. The deadline is 12 months for the museum to be ready. R$ 52 million will be invested. At this stage, the finishing works will be carried out. In a ceremony with the Secretary of Infrastructure and Works, Max Lemos, Castro highlighted that, in his government, he prioritizes the resumption of interrupted works and affirmed that there was an anticipation of 20 days of the beginning of the works. The authorities handed over to those responsible for the company MPE Engenharia, which won the bid, the document that authorized the start of the interventions. “The resumption of stalled works is extremely important. We would not start other works before finishing the ones that started. This work is an example of that, almost R$ 80 million (of public resources) were invested. A long-awaited museum in Copacabana. white elephant and now we give the destination”, stated Castro. The construction of the Museum started in 2008, but in 2016, the works were paralyzed. In total, BRL 79 million were invested in the construction and BRL 118 million by Fundação Roberto Marinho. MPE Engenharia will carry out interventions such as the installation of central air conditioning and coatings and floors in the auditorium and theater, in addition to waterproofing the open areas. Reflecting the modernist waves created by landscape designer Roberto Burle Max, the new building will integrate with the waterfront. According to secretary Max Lemos, the museum will be a high-quality equipment, showing the creativity of the New York architects responsible for the project: Elizabeth Diller, Ricardo Scofídio and Charles Renfro, winners of the international competition. “The new MIS headquarters is a landmark for Rio de Janeiro and Brazil and, therefore, it has received all the attention of the State Government. The finishing works of the building will allow the population to regain that space, which will offer numerous attractions “, said Lemos. Residents celebrate the works The expectation of the residents of Copacabana is great for the resumption of works. According to the president of the Society of Friends of the neighborhood, Horácio Magalhães, the new Museum of Image and Sound will reactivate the cultural life of the place. “We look forward to having this wonderful work delivered to the community and helping to reactivate the cultural life of Copacabana,” said Magalhães. A vertical cultural boulevard The new headquarters of the Museum of Image and Sound will have eight floors, two of which are underground. The idea is to turn the space into a large vertical cultural boulevard. The first floor will house a bookstore and cafe, facing the sea, in addition to offering a mezzanine for temporary exhibitions. The next four floors will be for the exhibitions that will tell the history of Brazilian culture, with the concept of interactivity present in the main museums in the world. The fifth floor will have a panoramic restaurant, with access to the roof, with an open-air cinema. In the basement, the MIS will have a nightclub and an auditorium, with capacity for 280 people. In the second basement, there will be dressing rooms. The project for the new Museum of Image and Sound is a realization of the Ministry of Tourism and the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro, conceived and implemented in partnership with the Roberto Marinho Foundation. New Year’s Eve Decision During the agenda, the governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro (PL), said that by Friday, a definition will be announced regarding the New Year’s Eve party in Copacabana, Rio. Castro said he is in contact with Mayor Eduardo Paes and that announcements will be made in the coming days for a “safe resumption”. “No later than Friday, Mayor Eduardo Paes and I will announce what it will be like. We had excellent meetings in these last two days. Both he and I, and I with my technicians and he with his technicians. I think we will reach a good term to protect health, but that we can show the world that Rio de Janeiro is prepared for this safe return. This conscious return. The announcements that will be made in the coming days will demonstrate this. safe, but also protecting people’s lives,” he said in an interview with TV Globo’s ‘RJTV’. The meeting between Rio’s municipal and state scientific committees will no longer take place. The strategy was discarded, as announced yesterday (7) the governor of Rio, Cláudio Castro (PL), after lunch at the Commercial Association of Rio. Castro met on Tuesday with secretary Alexandre Chieppe and ordered the state scientific committee to propose possibilities for the party.

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